Page name: Wiccaz Wing [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-29 22:58:50
Last author: Like Sun Through The Rain
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Welcome to Wiccaz Wing



I am [Like Sun Through The Rain]<img:>

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2005-06-10 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *sitz in tree reading book and putz hand up and sayz* Wicca

2005-06-10 [punx unite]: i beleive in different parts of alot of religions

2005-06-10 [Dream to make belive]: Hmm ya know I would expect the members to all m=be talking and for us all to be talking about magic, spells, and stuff like that.

2005-06-10 [~Acidelf3~]: yah.. i miss it.. like this weekend i am going camping.. and i really want to take my quiji board and go to the cemtry next to where we are.. but i cant do it.. i wont do it

2005-06-10 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: y

2005-06-11 [~Acidelf3~]: because it is sacreligious to christianity

2005-06-11 [punx unite]: ...

2005-06-11 [~Acidelf3~]: yah i know its alot to process.. i really miss it though.. ive been thinking to get it out again.. but i cant do it to him

2005-06-12 [Dream to make belive]: Do what to who? Wait have you gone religous?

2005-06-13 [~Acidelf3~]: yes... i have..

2005-06-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: aw y @CUM BAC 2 HELL ME CHILD@ lol

2005-06-13 [~Acidelf3~]: ... no.. i wont do it.. i cant do it to him.. i wont .. im sorry

2005-06-13 [~Acidelf3~]: did you do the search like i told you about?

2005-06-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: to who brit wutz wrong sweetie

2005-06-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wutz happend u kno u can still be wicca just be light or grey u dont k=have 2 be dark and u dont have 2 give it up remeber uwicca alwayz helpz itz children n their time of need

2005-06-13 [~Acidelf3~]: yah i know.. i know.. but.. i jsut cant do it to him.. like he used to be wiccan... and *he is jt my bf* like i just dont want to hurt him or le to him

2005-06-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: how would it hurt him he lovez u doesnt he he should b ok with the way u r if he lovez u

2005-06-14 [~Acidelf3~]: .. yah but like.. i cant.. i just .. i made him cry when he found out... like.. he used to .. but i cant do it again i cant go back and make him cry

2005-06-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: o wow emotional i spose huh

2005-06-14 [~Acidelf3~]: .. yeah.. like he tells me im the only one that makes him cry.. so yeah.. i guess you could say emotional..

2005-06-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wowow

2005-06-14 [~Acidelf3~]: well i mean it not a normal thing .. but yeah.. anyways

2005-06-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: yea

2005-06-15 [~Acidelf3~]: whats new

2005-06-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: nuthin

2005-06-15 [lordjoesnow]: the only one who makes him cry is u? :S some boyfriend..

2005-06-16 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: huh wow joe

2005-06-16 [~Acidelf3~]: .. wats that mean...

2005-06-16 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: i think he meanz that thatz a bad thing if ur bf tellz u only u make him cry az n "no 1 else makez me cry" so like thatz bad ya kno

2005-06-16 [~Acidelf3~]: .. thats not what i mean.. he comes from a really bad family.. like.. all drug additcs and he is living with his aunt.... so for me to be the only thing that makes him cry is really good... im not saying its good that he crys.. but .. when you think about it.. yah

2005-06-16 [Dream to make belive]: Hmm yea in a way.

2005-06-16 [~Acidelf3~]: i went to see him today! omg.. hes so cute .. but i only got to spend an hr with him.. because of his freaking aunt... but i love him so much.. it was a great time with him at the most anyways... i ove him. omg did i mention i love him.. but yah read my diary later if you wanna know

2005-06-16 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol kk

2005-06-17 [Dream to make belive]: So anyway

2005-06-18 [~Acidelf3~]: i talked to him from 11pm to 530am.. last night/ this morn... probly gunna do the same tonight.. and i have not rote in my diary yes

2005-06-18 [~Acidelf3~]: i talked to him from 11pm to 530am.. last night/ this morn... probly gunna do the same tonight.. and i have not rote in my diary yet

2005-06-22 [lordjoesnow]: wow how cute :)

2005-06-22 [~Acidelf3~]: what that i talk to him all night?

2005-06-23 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol yes joe findz stuff like that sweet

2005-06-23 [~Acidelf3~]: oh well want to hear something more sweet... ever heard of the song save tonight... its by eagle eye cherry.. well he sings it to me all the time.. and it makes me cry whenever i hear it and its not him singing.. like just yesterday i cryed because i just downloaded it.. and i already know it by heart.. it made me miss him

2005-06-23 [lordjoesnow]: ahwwww :P

2005-06-23 [~Acidelf3~]: i know.. right.. its just so great!

2005-06-26 [lordjoesnow]: lol hope it all goes great forever mroe

2005-06-26 [~Acidelf3~]: i hope it does too..

2005-06-26 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol me too

2005-06-29 [lordjoesnow]: me 3!

2005-06-30 [~Acidelf3~]: lol yah just think you guys would hear all about it.. i have not talked to him in.. 5 days thats because he is out of town.. and im going to leave thrs.. he is coming back fri

2005-07-01 [lordjoesnow]: yay

2005-07-05 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: joe joe joe

2005-07-05 [Dream to make belive]: Me ME MEMEMEMMEME I SING

2005-07-05 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: great 4 u

2005-07-06 [Dream to make belive]: lol Yeah I know huh.

2005-07-10 [~Acidelf3~]: omg you guys...... jt broke up with me.... on the 8th.. the 7th was our 1 month... and he said its because its too hard for him to love me.. that it hurts becuase he cant see me and hold me.. but it hurts worse when he tells u that he dont want you to talk ... that he wants you to date others... and then tells you he wont... its..... depresssing not to mention he tryed to kill himself..... that night.. and im about to carve his inishles in my leg...... im so sad

2005-07-10 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: OML Brit Im SOOOOOOOOO SRRY but plz dont do anythin stupid PLZ rember wut happen wiv u me and MIke that didnt go so well i doesnt even talk 2 me anymore PLZ VRIT dont do anything STUPID PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*hugglez* PLZ PLZ PLZ

2005-07-10 [Dream to make belive]: HEY!! Britney don't even think about it girl. No one I MEAN NO ONE is worthy enough for you to go and do something like that to your self. Thank about all the people who care about you. Like me and Shazzy. You would be hurting them and us doent do it ok.

2005-07-10 [~Acidelf3~]: i wish i could have the strength to kill my self... but i just cant i dont have the heart... i know it would kill him.. the just brok up with me.. because of his aunt and everything.. i just.. i miss him.. i fcalled and talk to him for a min thats it .. told him i was writhing him and that he better write me back.. so he agreed...

2005-07-10 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wow PLZ PLZ dont u rember wut happen wiv Mike dont u look even Maxy dont want ya 2 hurt ur self

2005-07-10 [Dream to make belive]: Yea seirously

2005-07-11 [~Acidelf3~]: i told you i dont have the heart... i wont be doing it.. so yah... dont worry about me.. just depressin ... i wish he would come back to me

2005-07-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: we r all soooooo srry

2005-07-11 [~Acidelf3~]: dont be its not ur fault........ i got a message from him... it said he asks this chick to marry him... when i was soposed to.... i called and cussed him out .. on his voicemail.. then called the chick found out it wasnt true called him to say i was sorry .. and he told me his stupid aunt that hates me lisened to the message... she hates me more now.. but i dont care... i really dont.... i just.. im fed up of being lied to.... it hurts still cuz i love him but... im fed up..

2005-07-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wow how could he lie to u like that

2005-07-11 [~Acidelf3~]: idk..... am i stupid for still loving him?

2005-07-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: no i understand i still love a guy who broke wiv me 2 yearz ago an V-Day

2005-07-11 [~Acidelf3~]: well.. i also love this guy named nathan...... i have liked him for 3 years when school starts back up

2005-07-11 [~Acidelf3~]: he wont give me a chance right now

2005-07-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: oh wow well go out wiv him if he lix u cant c y he wouldnt thougj

2005-07-11 [~Acidelf3~]: .. he .. does like me ... ive asked him out.. asked him yesterday.. he said no... and told me why i understand.. i there is just alot going on with him .... and i have promised not to tell anyone

2005-07-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wow well mayb u 2 will go out sum day ya kno it could happen OR i could hook u up wiv a c lose friend of mine over ET hez my UNCLE but he iz only 1 year older than me so there lol

2005-07-11 [~Acidelf3~]: hes going to be a senior.......... after this next school year.. hes going to the navy acada. and i wont c him ..... i dont want a nother long distance relationship....... im.. i want nathan.. so yah

2005-07-11 [~Acidelf3~]: but im getting off for now ill be back later

2005-07-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: kool well im happy 4 u

2005-07-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *HUGGLEZ*

2005-07-12 [~Acidelf3~]: thanks i think... but .. i cant have him.. so yah

2005-07-12 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: awwwwwwwwwww im srry

2005-07-12 [~Acidelf3~]: dont be its not ur fault

2005-07-12 [lordjoesnow]: tut tut tut, u know u dont need a bf to live...go hang out with your friends...the ones that willl never leave or hurt u ever

2005-07-12 [punx unite]: :( i dont have many friends :(

2005-07-12 [lordjoesnow]: i'll be ur friend

2005-07-12 [~Acidelf3~]: yah.. but.. i mean.. i am the kind of girl that needs to be in a relationship.... idk y i just do..

2005-07-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: sadish

2005-07-13 [punx unite]: sadish? why

2005-07-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: nuthin no wrriez

2005-07-13 [punx unite]: ok

2005-07-13 [lordjoesnow]: :S why were u sadish? and also no1 needs to be in a relationsghip...if u need to be with some1 you will run out of boys to be with by the time you are 30!

2005-07-13 [~Acidelf3~]: true that...

2005-07-13 [lordjoesnow]: be single its loads of fun cos u can flirt :P

2005-07-13 [~Acidelf3~]: yah sure... if u say so.. i just need to be in a relationship..

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: joe ur n a relation ship wut r u talkin bout

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: lol u got caught!! lol

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol yez he did

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: see now hes not talking.. he knows!! oh he knows the trouble he is in .. lol

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol yez yez he doez i think we might have 2 spank him

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: OH!! wait.. even better we will hand cuff him with my fuzzy handcuffs.. and then beat the shit out of him... lol

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: or... would that be cheating?

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: not corse not oh letz tie him him up and whip him

2005-07-14 [Dream to make belive]: Oh ya bondage!

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: ...

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: lol :) i think the others would like it too!!

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: ...

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: what do u want to join? ill tie you up... ill be kinda gentle... lol

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: -_-

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Srry Brit but um yea Max will tell u

2005-07-14 [Dream to make belive]: Yeah her prefers guys.

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Um

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: lol.. not when i get done with him!!!!

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol ewwwww hey brity do u fancy him lol

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: fancy.. is such a gay word.. hell no.. i think he fucking hott.. lol

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: if only if only    go there..

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: U DO!!!!???

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: lol chill out.. lol god.. u gunna make him think that im obessed!!! lol

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: .... who are you talking about?.....

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: ummm no one.. *looks anywhere but at him*

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: no 1 cody and i wuz just wonderin hun

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: ...ok

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: *gives and evil laugh and takes a quick glance at him*

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: O_o *stares* ......

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: *giggles and turns away, starts to read book in the same tree that shazzy did a few weeks ago*

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: O_o   rrriiiggghhhttt

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: *looks at shazzy and laughs*

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *jumpz up* my tree lol *sitz wiv u watchya readin heeheehee *putz 1 hand over pmouth and gigglez at cody*

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: *looks up tree* what???

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: welcome to our new found independance of giggling and reading tree!!!!! lol *again giggles but this time wispers a secret to shazzy and points at cody*

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *gigglz bac* heehee funn funn heeheehee *smilez and wisperz sumthin bac* heeheehee

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: ok

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: *giggles at that, looks down at cody, then quickly starts reading*

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: *stares up tree* what are you 2 doing???

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: thinks to self.. he must hate being in the dark when we are talking about him.... opps i said that aloud.. *giggles and looks at shazzy*

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: O_o .... *sits at base of tree* o well,

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol heehee hee I kno huh*burst out laugjin*

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: ...

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: heehee

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: *stares down and laughs with her, only after calming down do i ask* Would u like to join me.. there is enough room on this branch for two.

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: *giggles at shazzy*

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: ...i dunno

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: well if u need help up i mean i can help u. after all i am an expert at tree climbing... so whats it going to be yes or no?

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: i can climb trees fine, no, cause im gunna go so bye peoplez

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Hey im sharinthiz branch wiv u silly wikly but therez room 4 3 lol jkjkjk

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: lol i thought u were on the opp. branch... lol oh well .. he dont like me anyways

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol dont say that but anyway I JUST NOW updated my wiki of pix i now have more pix n FAM FRIENDZ and ME oh and bannerz

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: yah i just went.. lol

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol

2005-07-14 [Dream to make belive]: Yeah SHEXY

2005-07-14 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: lol.. gosh.. omg shazzy what we did to cody was wrong.... do u think he knows?

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: about what?

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: umm.. ummm.. *thinks to self help* ummmmmmm. just something we were talking about.... *looks around*

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: *climbs up tree and begins to read*

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: ...

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: what?

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: ...

2005-07-14 [~Acidelf3~]: what.. what do u want??? stop staring!!

2005-07-14 [punx unite]: ...

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *gigglez* no he doesnt kno lol heehee *clinz up after u*

2005-07-15 [punx unite]: *jumps and grabs shazzy's leg* ha i gocha

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *screamz* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *getz crazy look on face* *poullz out bow and arrow* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

2005-07-15 [punx unite]: O_O DONT SHOOT!!!

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol *eyz all wide and breathing heavy* Give me 109887346467858599347327 resons

2005-07-15 [punx unite]: I WANT TO KEEP MY DICK!!! o_o

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol wut dick lo JKJKJKJK

2005-07-15 [punx unite]: O_O you know EXACTLY what im talking about

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: i kno lol

2005-07-15 [punx unite]: :P

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: yea

2005-07-15 [punx unite]: You know too much *crawls in hole*

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: awh * pulls u out of hole and licks ur face*

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: *climbs back up tree*

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: cody.. come up here with me 

2005-07-15 [punx unite]: *climbs up tree*

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: *moves closer to u, and licks ur cheek*

2005-07-15 [punx unite]: *jumps* Nyaaa

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: what.... lol *kisses u*

2005-07-15 [punx unite]: ...*blushes*

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: *smiles and giggles, lays head on ur shoulder*

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: umm guys.... help me... please.. my ex jt just called... umm sorry cody thats why i had to go... ummm help?! anyone?

2005-07-15 [SAHS]: Hehehe. I think you need to get a new spell cheeker. Aheh. Couldn't resist.

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol tahnx lol she haznt been on n a while iz y anyway wut doez JT want

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wutz that supposed 2 mean lucifer!!! If ur ganna b rude than GET OUT!!!

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: no i didnt call u lucifer i just said it and i though im allowed 2 use pix like that ONLY n wikiz NOT n houses

2005-07-15 [Dream to make belive]: Max:Well what is the nam eof the site?                          CrissCross:Sorry my brother wanted to check his stuff too.

2005-07-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: YEA YEA

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: you know what i am about to block u... we make perfect sence to each other.. u are an outsider you dont know whats going on will u just leave us alone.. please!                  now back to my help...... jt called and well shazzy i am going to message u because i dont want this ass^^ ot read it.... so yah

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: im not stupid i do know that u can still talk ... but i could get u banned.. some how i would have been able to .... than u for leaving us alone now..... and we might fix it but in the rulz wikis are an acception

2005-07-15 [~Acidelf3~]: finaly.. now then .. i have a big problem.. dont tell any of this to max.... jt called me last night

2005-07-16 [~Acidelf3~]: *climbs up tree and begins to read*

2005-07-16 [~Acidelf3~]: oHH i really am going to be reading soon .. harry potter came out last night.. well this morn at 12 and later today when mom gets home she has it for me!!! yah.. so forget computer.. ill be up all night reading that book

2005-07-16 [~Acidelf3~]: omg.. he left.. she left whoever that is left.... ur turn now please and thanks

2005-07-16 [~Acidelf3~]: well thats nice... *goes back to reading in tree*

2005-07-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: HOW KIK ASS DO WE HAVE NEW MEMBERZ

2005-07-18 [Dream to make belive]: huh Like I know.

2005-07-18 [~Acidelf3~]: no they were being bitchy about the wiki again...

2005-07-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: danm assholez y do they have 2 b so annoying any way With Stars Faded

2005-07-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: HeeHee now my wiki loox funny cuz i deleted rude commmentz and so itz funny lookin

2005-07-19 [~Acidelf3~]: yah it looks like im psycho.... lol

2005-07-19 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol i kno huh lol i c uve been talkin 2 urself agian llol*patz ur bac*

2005-07-19 [~Acidelf3~]: yes yes... my many skizo selves just keep comding out ... *puts head beteewn legs and begins talking to self* lol

2005-07-19 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol

2005-07-20 [Dream to make belive]: Damn

2005-07-20 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol

2005-07-20 [~Acidelf3~]: i know.. i know...... im in so so much trouble...please forgive me if i am not on after this last mesage i was with one of my friends at the mall and well i kinda didnt tell my mom adn im in deep shit trouble.... so yah

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